Saturday, February 2, 2019

January 2019 Spending and Savings

The first month of a new year has come and gone! And so far I'm on track with my money! I didn't have too many expenses this month, although there were a few small splurges. I bought some nail polish for the first time in many months, and went a little over budge on groceries. But overall, I'm in the green and I'm getting closer to getting these student loans paid off!

January 2019 Ending Funds
Checking: $250.00 [-]
Savings: $3,710.13 [+1,877.08]
Emergency Fund: $3,346.91 [+5.20]
Cash: $320.93 [-50.75]
Gift Cards: $179.97 [+14]
401(K): $1,995.00 [+482.25]

Looking good! I'm very excited with how the year is starting. I really hope to get out of debt by the end of the year, or even better, by my birthday in October! I actually have the money to pay it off now, but I'm scared! I mean, I made two $5,000 payments last year and the world didn't end. So why can't I do it again?

Part of it is that I'm planning my next vacation and I'd like to do that ASAP and have it paid off. I also generally pay my mom a few months' rent up front rather than monthly, and I don't want to not have the money if she decides she wants to do that sometime soon again. And to be perfectly honest, I'm not looking forward to explaining to my mom about my financial journey. I'm afraid she'll think it's stupid.

Fear. Not fun.

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